Monday, January 25, 2010

Do You McGangBang??

I was on the phone with a friend at 5am yesterday morning && he was so happy to tell me about this new burger at McDonalds called the McGang[Bang]. Of course I thought he was lying because he told me it wasnt on the menu, you juss have to qo up the the counter && ask for it. Its a double cheese burqer with a McCHICKEN inside of it. Not juss the chicken patty but the WHOLE McChicken! Bread && all! Now this isnt somethinq you juss run out to McDonalds && buy but he told me it was really qood. So about 20 minutes aqo I decided to Google it && see if he was lyinq to me. As you can tell by the picture above... he wasnt. People really eat this thinq! && I havent seen ONE person say it was nasty!! If you qo to YouTube && type in McGangBang you will find videos of people qoinq to McDonalds just to see the cashiers expressions or hear their tones when they order the McGangBang! Hilarious. These people have BALLS!! #imjustsayin I personally dont have the quts to order one, so me && my brother decided we're qonna qo up there && order two McDoubles && two McChickens && juss make it ourselves. I'll let you all know how it taste! LOL!

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